Recently I was thinking about paradoxical structure of English language or say of urban etymology of various slangs that just increase the complication in understanding.( including above statement :))
One of those word say for example take case of the word
“boyfriend”,at a first site it can be interpreted as the male who is friend to anyone girl or boy but then why not all the girls and boys use them ….
What I want to say that name should such that they explain the meaning…suppose if we take example of father or mother…then these words can be used as verbs …like
“ Jack fathered a child or Jill mothered a child” these sentences make sense.
And now see” Jack girlfriended Jill or Jill boyfriended Jack” ......seems silly right ?
So my point is who will fetch the water ? :)
Anyway ,as the word friend is noun it doesn’t specify meaning I mean instead of that if we use the word lover than that specifies the meaning….
One joke I would like to share…..
Last time when I went to bookshop I asked the owner lady “where is the selfhelp section?”
She replied me”If I tell you then that wouldn’t serve purpose.”